Spell : Bringing White Light Into Life and Dissolving Negativity

Colors for this spell:  White, Gold, Silver
                White: white represents positive energy
                Gold: represents the virility of the God
                Silver: represents the vital aspects of the        feminine
                Black:  emptiness

When:  Seven days before the next full moon,
The night of the Full Moon,  (Full moon because it’s the most intensely lit powerful celestial object in the sky every thirty or so days; 13 moons per year)

Seven days after the full moon (waning)
                -Seven is a magical number; most cycles run (biological) run in segments of seven to ten
                Waxing moon = swelling of intention (vs. waning moon dissipates)
One seven-day wishing knob candle in white
One seven-day wishing knob candle in black
Silver candle, Gold Candle


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