Writing a Spell
A prayer is a spell. In both cases one sends his or her intention to the Universe through words and thoughts. Sending energy is really just finding some, then diverting it with an intention. The intention is the energy your mind creates.
You will find more about the Wiccan idea of Deity in the Cunningham book. In this post, I am going to explain the relationship of the moon with the Wiccan prayer. This way, you will gain a deeper understanding of the framework as you will be guided to actually work through it.
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The moon cycles, waxing (growing larger), full, waning (becoming smaller), and new/dark (absent).
There are thirteen cycles in a year.
One cycle every 28 days.
Spells are designed to follow the energy of the moon, so that, spells for growth are done as the moon waxes. Spells to energize are most powerful during the full moon (this is also a good time to recharge your tools). Spells to decrease or banish are done during the waning moon and new moon.
- an intention
- the phase of the moon best suited to your intent
- the best day of the week for your intent
- the best numerological day
- the colors you wish to use
- the herbs you wish to use
- An opening prayer
- An intention
- A Mantra
- A closing thanks
- this all in your Book of Shadows
Gather Your Tools: (for example):
- colored candles
- colored cords
- altar tools: suggestion below:
Write out the ritual (how you will complete your spell, in what order)
For example, include things like: Drawing the Circle, Singing, and Benediction.)
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