
  1. Wow! It's crazy how Mother Theresa was used as a political figure by so many countries. It make it seem like she was somewhat corrupt herself... especially after praising so many leaders who killed so many.

  2. This documentary truly showcased the hypocrisy in Teresa of Calcutta 's actions and intentions. She claimed that she was not political, yet utilized her platform and following to make her views on highly political issues known. She prioritized banning abortions and contraceptives in an effort to save unborn children worldwide over assisting the ill and poor children that lived in the world. She claimed to advocate for the poor, but never truly addressed the issue of povert. Teresa of Calcutta never assisted the poor in improving their situation further than taking them off the streets. Mother Teresa had nothing but praise for political leaders who are now associated with corruption and murder, ideals which were against everything she preached, such as Jean-Claude Duvalier and Ronald Reagan. The conditions or and medical care provided at Teresa of Calcutta's Home for the Dying were also questionable at best. Mary Loudon compared the photos and footage she had seen of the hospice center to "Belsen," which refers to the Nazi Germany era Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, which is a scary comparison. Teresa of Calcutta was not nearly as saintly as she is painted to be by the Catholic church.


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