Ghost Technology - Huff Paranormal



  1. I've never been one to believe in ghosts, but this is pretty cool! I might download one of the apps and try it for myself; maybe I can convince myself that maybe ghosts ARE real! Either way, it will make for a fun spooky night with friends.

  2. While I wholeheartedly believe in the existence of ghosts and believe that there are instances where we can communicate with the deceased, I'm not entirely sold on the idea of cell phone applications being used as a spirit box to establish contact between an individual and the spirit world. This video mentions Necrophonic, which is an app that boasts the ability communicate with spirits for $10. The app's charge alone suggests to me that the app may be a marketing ploy. The reviews vary from people claiming it is a scam to others saying this is the best spirit box app they have ever used. Logically speaking, there is no proof that suggests that this application does what it claims to do: connect us to the spirit realm. This review basically reminds me of the blog post about the scene from the movie The Messenger where Joan thought that the sword was a sign from God, however it was nothing more than a sword in a field. In the case of this app, perhaps there is no real spiritual influence on the Necrophonic app and what Steve Huff is hearing is nothing more than the his personal interpretation of the randomly generated string of audio clips from the 8 sound banks included in the app.


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