It was a sword in a field.


  1. This was a very interesting video to watch.

  2. "You saw what you wanted to see." That is such a powerful and eye-opening line! Although this video is a scene from a film, it shows that blind faith in anything (religion or otherwise) can rid a person of logic. In other words, it can "blind" them to other potential truths. But it's that way for just about every aspect of life. The way we navigate through life, engage with others, and understand things is based on our interpretations and assumptions of what we encounter in the world on a daily basis. Like in the video, is a simple event a sign from God, or is it simply a sword in a field?

  3. This is an important scene because I believe that everyone can learn form this. Especially today when politics might shield people from seeing the whole truth. One side might choose to only look at the evidence that supports their side rather while ignoring the evidence that rejects it. This doesn't just have to apply to politics though!


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