tarot tuesday


  1. Hello Professor!
    I think I might know what those Towers are... kind of did terrible on a test today but this is reassuring because before watching this I said to myself to keep at it because the next test has new material and I just have to study harder. So that makes sense that the second card came up haha. I'm going to try to not speak ill of myself (referencing Four Agreements) it's hard to remind myself to not look down on myself. I hope everyone else is doing well! -Ro

  2. Loved this reading. Sometimes I really have to remind myself that I need to just keep pushing forward and continuing towards my goals even though things get tough sometimes. Seeing these cards reminds me I need to be hopeful for the future, thanks for the great reading!

  3. I loved this reading, leaving the past behind and starting a new journey is what I have been trying to do! Thank you for this reading! :)

  4. Thank you for this reading, Professor Farina! I really appreciate you always taking the time to explain the cards differently in each tarot reading that they show up in! It has really helped me get a better understanding of what the cards signify!

  5. Thank you so much for this reading!


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