
  1. Good morning Professor! I was reading about how the scent of your environment helps you with your intent whether it is to manifest focus or just cleansing negative space. I lit some incense on my patio this morning after working out. A fire sounds so wonderful, unfortunately I live in an apartment complex :( I also am interested in purchasing Florida water, maybe to use to cleanse parts of my apartment. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

  2. Thanks for the reading! I'm really excited about the Six of Swords and The Swan because I got some really good news today that I soon won't have to deal with this thing that I've been struggling with! Patience and Perseverance! And I really think it will bee soon because of the Ten of Scepters- the end of a burden! This really brightened my spirits. Thanks! Side note: is that a picture of Vladimir Putin behind you? LOL

  3. Hi professor! I find that the scent of my space does alot for me when it comes to focus and intention, while also clensing. I have a specific candle i love for this purpose, im not huge on burnin incense as my room is small, but it is a Woodwick candle called Amber and Incense. It smells wonderful and always does the trick for setting the mood and clensing at the same time. It even makes crackling noise while it burns! Im all about efficiency lol. I loved this reading as well, like many other students Ive been struggling with patience this semester, i just want it to be over and sometimes forget that i need to take everything a step at a time. The senior-itis is real! Thank you for this reading!

  4. Thank you for this reading professor!

  5. Thank you so much for this reading, Professor Farina!

  6. Thank you for this reading!


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